St. Mary Catholic Church


14th and K Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

Rectory: 1420 K Street
Telephone: 402-435-2125
  School: 1434 K Street
Telephone: 402-476-3987
Fax: 402-476-0838

Sunday Obligation Masses
Saturday 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:30 pm, 5:00 pm

Daily Masses
Monday - Saturday: 12:10 pm
Monday - Friday: 7:00 pm
School Days: 8:10 am
Holy Day Masses (See bulletin for Christmas, New Years, and Holy Week):
4:00 pm Vigil (day before Holy Day)
7 am, 12:10 pm, 7 pm (day of Holy Day)
Saturday 11 am - Noon, 3 - 4 pm, 8 -9 pm
Monday - Friday 11:30 am - 12 Noon, except Holy Days of Obligation and Civil Holidays
  Baptism & Marriage
Please contact the pastor six weeks before the baptism date and six months before the wedding date. All parish/diocesan requirements must be met before the ceremonies take place.
Parish Staff & Organization Heads
Pastor: Father Douglas Dietrich
In Residence: Father Joseph Finn, Father Andrew Heaslip
Principal: Nina Beck
Parish Secretary: Liz Gray
School Secretary: Kim Kreinert
Music Director: Sister Mary Shroer
Knights of Columbus: Ron Grose
Altar Society: Kathy Hanson

Funeral Dinners: Sally Williamson
School Lunch: Barb Janssen
Legion of Mary: Calvin Kroon
Domestic Operations: Gloria Gilroy
Food Net Coordinators: Kathy Johnson, Linda Hamik
Maintenance: Gary Windle
Pro-Life Coordinators: John & Lois Kenkel


St. Mary's


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