Altar Society


The Altar Society of Saint Mary's Parish was established to foster relationships among Catholic women. Meetings are held in Flynn Hall (Church basement) at 7:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month.

Members of the Altar Society are the "Marthas and Marys" of St. Mary's Parish. Members serve the Church in several ways, both spiritual and corporal. Works range from: Praying the Rosary before Sunday Mass - Making a Weekly Holy Hour - Reading at Mass - Praying for the Sick to Cleaning the Church - Selling Scrip - Assisting with Food Net - Fundraising Events - and Funeral lunches.

Although each female parishioner is automatically enrolled as a member of the Altar Society, each member should help out by paying dues. Dues are collected semi-annually. Envelopes are provided by the parish.

Female parishioners are encouraged to participate by becoming active in one of the St. Mary's Altar Society Circles.

Each circle has a specific orientation as follows:

Saint Francis: This circle spearheads the effort to keep our church clean. Active members are expected to help clean the church on the third Saturday of each month or whenever necessary.

Saint Joseph: This circle is in charge of providing lunches after funerals. Members of this circle contact members of the parish for food donations and line up help to serve the funeral lunch.

Saint Jude: Members of this circle actively participate in a prayer chain as intentions are received.

Saint Anthony: Members of this circle serve the parish by selling SCRIP as a fundraising effort after Saturday and Sunday Masses, and at other parish events.

Saint Catherine: This circle is dedicated to special projects as needed. Fellowship to those in need would be one of their projects.

Saint Rita: This circle is dedicated to Pro-life causes.


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