MASQUERADE : BALL, Nebraska City Fire Co No. 1 Opera House Saturday Eve., February 13. Admission, - $1.00. No improper character admitted. A February 6, 1897 ad for Mueller Bros. Meat Market on Central Avenue opposite Court House, Phone 71, offered Bacon 10 cents a pound, soup meat 4 cents a pound, and choice beef roasts, 8 cents a pound. FREE! With every Cash Purchase of Groceries amounting to $1.00 A bushel of Potatoes Free at DUNN & COLEMAN'S (February 1,1897 and other dates) The house is heated throughout by steam and lighted by both gas and electric lights, bath and water closets on every floor, electric bells, elevator and in fact all modern improvements. As to the table and service, the guests cannot receive better in the city. Some may say that it cannot be done for the money, but we are not new in the business and know what we can do. A fair trial is all we ask. Rates $1 and $1.50 per day and special rates to thise wishing to board by the week. Bacon 10 cents per pound and 50 pounds of lard for $3, at Mueller Brothers, Telephone No. 71 Don't forget the "colonial party" at Mrs. Charles DeGroff's on Monday evening next. Everybody is welcome, whether dressed in "ye olden style" or not. CLAUDE WATSON, M.D. Physician and Surgeon OCCULIST and AURIST. Office 715 Cent. Ave. (up stairs) Office hours 9 to 10 a. m.; 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. February 20, 1897: "Girls, don't send your 25 cents to that advertiser who promises to tell you how to get fat. If you do, you will lose your 25 cents and be greatly humiliated. The secret is, 'go to the butcher shop.'" |
The Hotel Julian Burned - Sam Goldberg Loses His Entire Stock The worst fire that ever took place in Hamburg occurred there this morning, the Julian hotel -- one of the finest hotels in southeastern [sic] Iowa -- Sam Goldberg & Co.'s double store and Mrs. Coobaugh's millinery being entirely destroyed. The fire originated in the cloak room under the billiard hall and had made such great headway when discovered that nothing was saved; the guests of the hotel barely having time to make their escape and several reached the street in rather scanty costume. An alarm of fire was sounded and the fire boys responded well, but when the door of Goldberg's store was opened the flames communicated everywhere, and the heat was so intense that not a cent's worth of goods was saved. Mrs. Coobaugh had a large millinery store in the north room of the hotel, and her loss was also total. The hotel was built five years ago by a company of stockholders, of which Mr. Goldberg is one of the heaviest owners, and the double room was built especially for his store. The building was 71 x 140 and cost $35,000. It is extremely doubtful if it will be rebuilt, and any way not until times are more prosperous than they now are. The hotel was insured for $20,000. S. Goldberg & Co. carried a large stock of dry goods, clothing, etc., estimated at from $30,000 to $40,000, but he cannot give the amount of insurance as the policies are locked in the vault. Mrs. Coobaugh carried no insurance. The plate glass fronts in the buildings opposite the hotel were all broken from the intense heat. The loss will easily reach $75,000. (Feb. 20, 1897, Nebraska City Daily News) February 22, 1897: |
It is interesting to note how small the next item was. It appears to be the only time the Daily News mentioned this homecoming.
It was in the middle of page 3 of the March 22, 1897 Nebraska City Daily News, about 3/4 of the way down in the "personals" column.
"Ex-Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton arrived home from Washington, D.C. this morning and will make this his home in the future." The street car drivers are greatly annoyed by the scholars from the Sixth street school jumping onto the street cars while going past this school, and yesterday afternoon two little boys jumped onto the back end of the car, which was going at a rapid rate to the train, and on the driver ringing the bell all jumped off, but one little fellow fell and cut his head. The street car company should enforce the ordinance prohibiting such things and after one or two of them were fined their parents would see to it that these little ones stop this dangerous practice. |
Given by the NEBRASKA CITY BAND, At the OPERA HOUSE, Wednesday Eve., March 17. Music will be furnished by the band and orchestra. If weather is favorable the band will parade. Tickets, - only 50 bts' New Hack and Transfer Line Livery, Hack, and Baggage Transfer. North 7th St., Nebraska City Makes all trains, night or day. First-class turnouts, single or double, with careful driver if desrired. Night Calls 25 cents. Telephone No. 98. Hacks No. 1 and 2 Commercial trade solicited. J. H. FRAZIER, Prop. NEIDHART & FORBES NEBRASKA CITY Granite and Marble Works 1116 Central Avenue, NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA |
April 22, 1897:
The only mention of Arbor Day I could find in the April 1897 issues of the Nebraska City Daily News was this small item in the middle of page 3 on April 22: Did you plant a tree today? |
"Nebraska City has a new newspaper called the Bimetalist, of which Johnson & Evans are publishers. It will be devoted to the cause of free silver. We wish it success." (Daily News, April 23, 1897) "Joy Morton came in from Chicago yesterday and in the evening inspected the library building. He was highly pleased with all that had been done." (Daily News, April 26, 1897) |