The Otoe Chief was a Nebraska City newspaper that began publication in 1896.
Page one of the first issue contained an article about the library.

       Free Public Library
   The movement that is now be- 
ing pushed as rapidly as possible 
to secure a free public library for 
Nebraska City is certainly a very 
commendable one and worthy of 
the support of every person who 
has the general welfare of the city 
at heart. It will be a lasting ben-
efit to our city in many ways, the 
most important of which will be 
the providing of a quiet retreat 
for the young men, where a few 
hours can be pleasantly and prof-
itably spent each day or evening. 
Of course there will be many 
other important benefits to 
be derived therefrom that can 
only be secured through the 
agency of such an institution, and 
it is certainly extremely gratifying 
to note what vigor and self-
sacrificing devotion the committee 
having the enterprise in charge 
are laboring for its final and ulti-
mate success.
(The Otoe Chief, Nebraska City, Nebraska, Volume 1, Number 1, Thursday, March 12, 1896)
Friends of the Library         Main Library Page

This web page originally appeared in Nebraska City Magazine and is used here with permission.